The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the development of the circular economy on achieving the goals of sustainable development in the context of globalization and digitalization of the world economic system. It is determined that in the conditions of globalization and digitalization of the world economic system a significant factor influencing the future vector of development is the introduction of achievements in innovation, in particular, the development of a circular economy. The only way to overcome the global resource problem is to improve technology, work on the principle of a closed loop system, the introduction of the principles of the circular economy. This model of development is based on the restoration of resources and their rational consumption, which is fully consistent with the main principles of sustainable development. It is noteworthy that in recent decades there has been a change among the countries that have the greatest impact on the environment and are the main consumers of natural resources. According to these indicators, key developing countries are in the first place. First of all, this applies to countries such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran and others. It is determined that under the influence of globalization and digitalization of the world economic system there are changes in the structure of international marketing. Digital goods and services are displacing traditional goods. The growth rate of e-commerce is much higher than the growth rate of companies that conduct their business under the old rules. It is noted that digital distribution has significant potential for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development, which in the context of globalization and digitalization of the world economic system leads to changes in consumer behavior and change their worldview aimed at harmonizing society's relations with the environment. The role of innovation activity, which is closely related to the introduction of the circular economy, is analyzed. This led to the conclusion that the concept of sustainable development has become the main paradigm of society for the future, and the development of a circular economy can be seen as one of the mechanisms for achieving sustainable development through links with processes such as digitalization and globalization, innovation, innovation. development of digital distribution. The circular economy is an alternative to the traditional economic system and aims to restore and rationally consume resources. In addition, the circular economy is in conceptual unity with the principles of sustainable development, in particular aimed at minimizing the negative impact of human activities on the environment.
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How much gold is there left to mine and what happens if Gold runs out? URL:
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