У статті обґрунтовано першочерговість проектування інтегрованих цифрових систем на основі людиноцентрованого підходу, окреслено проблеми конфіденційності даних та безпеки поводження у віртуальному середовищі; роз'яснено концепцію метавсесвіту – інфраструктури цифрового ринку споживання послуг, у тому числі туристичних; надано характеристики ключовим технологіям метавсесвіту, а саме розширеної реальності як поєднання доповненої, віртуальної та змішаної реальностей; визначено нові категорії великих даних, які можна отримати від користувачів за допомогою різноманітних пристроїв розширеної реальності; представлено результати опитування користувачів цифрових послуг стосовно персоналізованого відчуття особистої безпеки, що проводилися у рамках щорічних досліджень "Connected World"; показано приклади використання технологій штучного інтелекту у діяльності готелів та інших закладах розміщування.
Prados-Castillo, J. F., Torrecilla-Garcia, J. A., & Liebana-Cabanillas, F. (2024). Metaverse as a booster of tourism transformation towards virtual management strategies. Tourism Review. URL: https://riuma.uma.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10630/33084/10-1108_TR-10-2023-0750.pdf
Monaco, S., & Sacchi, G. (2023). Travelling the metaverse: Potential benefits and main challenges for tourism sectors and research applications. Sustainability, 15(4), 3348. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/4/3348
Buhalis, D., Leung, D., & Lin, M. (2023). Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionising tourism management and marketing. Tourism Management, 97, 104724. URL: https://ira.lib.polyu.edu.hk/handle/10397/99151
Kouroupi, N., & Metaxas, T. (2023). Can the Metaverse and its Associated Digital Tools and Technologies provide an opportunity for destinations to address the vulnerability of Overtourism? Tourism and Hospitality, 4(2), 355-373. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5768/4/2/22
Ioannidis, S., & Kontis, A. P. (2023). Metaverse for tourists and tourism destinations. Information Technology & Tourism, 25(4), 483-506. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374085181_Metaverse_for_tourists_and_tourism_destinations
Metaverse Privacy and Safety, July 2023 Edition. URL: https://www.weforum.org/publications/privacy-and-safety-in-the-metaverse/
State of the Connected World, 2023 Edition. URL: https://www.weforum.org/publications/state-of-the-connected-world-2023-edition/
Internet of Things Trends 2024. URL: https://iotbusinessnews.com/2024/09/04/26399-state-of-iot-2024-number-of-connected-iot-devices-growing-13-to-18-8-billion-globally/
Artificial intelligence (AI) use in hospitality – Statista. URL: https://www.statista.com/topics/12390/artificial-intelligence-ai-use-in-hospitality/
AI in Travel and Hospitality: Trends, Insights & Innovations – DATAFOREST. URL: https://dataforest.ai/blog/complete-guide-on-ai-in-travel-and-hospitality
ML & AI in Hospitality & Travel 7 Use Cases Included. – Acropolium. URL: https://acropolium.com/blog/ai-and-ml-in-travel-hospitality-top-benefits-use-cases/
Augmented Reality (AR) in Tourism & Travel - Rock Paper Reality. URL: https://rockpaperreality.com/insights/ar-use-cases/augmented-reality-in-tourism-and-travel/
Integrating Augmented Reality in Travel Experiences – Arrivia. URL: https://www.arrivia.com/insights/insights-integrating-augemented-reality-travel/
How the hospitality industry is using AR, VR for the guest experience. URL: https://www.hotelmanagement.net/tech/how-hospitality-industry-using-ar-vr-guest-experience
Prados-Castillo, J. F., Torrecilla-Garcia, J. A., & Liebana-Cabanillas, F. (2024). Metaverse as a booster of tourism transformation towards virtual management strategies. Tourism Review. URL: https://riuma.uma.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10630/33084/10-1108_TR-10-2023-0750.pdf
Monaco, S., & Sacchi, G. (2023). Travelling the metaverse: Potential benefits and main challenges for tourism sectors and research applications. Sustainability, 15(4), 3348. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/4/3348
Buhalis, D., Leung, D., & Lin, M. (2023). Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionising tourism management and marketing. Tourism Management, 97, 104724. URL: https://ira.lib.polyu.edu.hk/handle/10397/99151
Kouroupi, N., & Metaxas, T. (2023). Can the Metaverse and its Associated Digital Tools and Technologies provide an opportunity for destinations to address the vulnerability of Overtourism? Tourism and Hospitality, 4(2), 355-373. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5768/4/2/22
Ioannidis, S., & Kontis, A. P. (2023). Metaverse for tourists and tourism destinations. Information Technology & Tourism, 25(4), 483-506. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374085181_Metaverse_for_tourists_and_tourism_destinations
Metaverse Privacy and Safety, July 2023 Edition. URL: https://www.weforum.org/publications/privacy-and-safety-in-the-metaverse/
State of the Connected World, 2023 Edition. URL: https://www.weforum.org/publications/state-of-the-connected-world-2023-edition/
Internet of Things Trends 2024. URL: https://iotbusinessnews.com/2024/09/04/26399-state-of-iot-2024-number-of-connected-iot-devices-growing-13-to-18-8-billion-globally/
Artificial intelligence (AI) use in hospitality – Statista. URL: https://www.statista.com/topics/12390/artificial-intelligence-ai-use-in-hospitality/
AI in Travel and Hospitality: Trends, Insights & Innovations – DATAFOREST. URL: https://dataforest.ai/blog/complete-guide-on-ai-in-travel-and-hospitality
ML & AI in Hospitality & Travel 7 Use Cases Included. – Acropolium. URL: https://acropolium.com/blog/ai-and-ml-in-travel-hospitality-top-benefits-use-cases/
Augmented Reality (AR) in Tourism & Travel - Rock Paper Reality. URL: https://rockpaperreality.com/insights/ar-use-cases/augmented-reality-in-tourism-and-travel/
Integrating Augmented Reality in Travel Experiences – Arrivia. URL: https://www.arrivia.com/insights/insights-integrating-augemented-reality-travel/
How the hospitality industry is using AR, VR for the guest experience. URL: https://www.hotelmanagement.net/tech/how-hospitality-industry-using-ar-vr-guest-experience

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