Ключові слова: tourism, logistics, effective planning, booking, coverage effect


The modern tourism market is characterized by a high level of competition, which requires companies to constantly seek new ways to improve the efficiency and quality of their services. Since logistics is a factor affecting the competitiveness of tourism enterprises, its role has significantly increased in recent years, turning into a strategic tool for achieving success. Effective logistics allows for the optimization of all stages of the tourism process, from booking to the client's return home, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction. Therefore, this article aims to examine the role of logistics as a strategic factor in competitiveness within the tourism industry, using specific success cases as a context. The study used logical analysis and synthesis to confirm that logistics plays a strategic role in the competitiveness of the tourism industry. It involves interconnected processes for effectively planning, organizing, and managing the flow of goods, services, and information related to tourism activities. It was established that the key elements of effective logistics in tourism include planning, transportation, accommodation, excursions and additional services, information technology, and personnel. At the same time, the coordinated interaction of these logistics elements is not natural but artificial, shaped by their ability to cover the entire travel cycle. The coverage effect is the prerequisite for coordinated interaction, as it activates all the points of influence we have outlined. It has been proven that to achieve the maximum coverage effect of the travel cycle through logistics, a comprehensive approach is required, which involves not only the use of modern technologies but also the enhancement of personnel qualifications. This will ensure effective interaction among all links in the logistics chain and contribute to the achievement of the company's strategic goals. In line with the above statements, a potential area for further research is the identification of mechanisms through which big data influences the ability to personalize tourism offerings and improve logistics processes.


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Переглядів статті: 32
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Як цитувати
Медвідь, Л., Дідович, О., & Янчик, І. (2024). ЛОГІСТИКА ЯК СТРАТЕГІЧНИЙ ФАКТОР КОНКУРЕНТОСПРОМОЖНОСТІ В ТУРИСТИЧНІЙ ГАЛУЗІ: КЕЙСИ УСПІХУ. Економіка та суспільство, (65). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-65-96