Keywords: intellectual and personnel support, entrepreneurial sector, information and digital transformations, social and labor relations


The article points to the existing trends of informatization and digitalization, which initiate systemic changes in the intellectual and human resource support for the development of the entrepreneurial sector based on the interests of both business owners and employees. It was emphasized that the determining factor of employment is the ability to possess the skills and abilities to use information and digital technologies, to quickly adapt to the emergence of new technologies and innovations and, as a result, to perform highly intellectual work and receive a decent reward for it. Conceptual provisions for building a system of intellectual and human resource support for the development of the entrepreneurial sector based on target orientations, means of achievement and directions of development have been identified. Thus, the target orientations of intellectual and personnel support include the creation of new competitive workplaces, achieving stability, optimal number, structure and quality of personnel, improving the financial and economic results of the enterprise, building an intra-company competitive environment, preventing social tension and conflict situations. To achieve these goals, it is recommended to reform the systems of reception, organization and motivation of work, social dialogue, professional and qualification development, and social protection. The advancement of intellectual and human resources is ensured due to the processes of diversification of forms of employment and work organization, introduction of new wage systems, commercialization of intellectual property, strengthening of social responsibility, expansion of collective agreement regulation, formation of a new corporate culture. The set of principles of intellectual and human resource support for the development of the entrepreneurial sector, based on the basic (high productivity and labor efficiency, rational organization and labor regulation, stability of personnel and their professional and qualification growth, collective and contractual regulation of employment) and information and digital (automation and mechanization of labor, innovative activity and creativity of personnel, algorithmization and programming of labor activities, informatization of employment management, digitization of social and labor relations) significance.


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