Keywords: enterprise, economic security, strategy, strategic management, economic security strategy


The instability of the Ukrainian economy and the deepening economic crisis in the country has an extremely negative impact on business development. The current situation was characterized by a high level of uncertainty and aggressiveness of the market environment, which stimulates the emergence of external and internal threats that directly affect the development of enterprises. This situation forces companies to quickly adapt to operating conditions, requires rapid search and implementation of ways to ensure their sustainable development through the detection, neutralization and prevention of threats. The ways to deal with threats largely depend on the stage at which the company is at a certain stage of development, as the types of behavior of the market entity will vary depending on the situation. Modern enterprises operate in conditions of high uncertainty of processes occurring in the world and domestic economy. The successful operation of their economic security systems depends on the level of strategic management, which is based on the strategy of economic security. The main goals and objectives of the study were to substantiate the importance and determine the position of economic security in the system of strategic management of the enterprise. The article defines the most optimal concept of «strategic management», and emphasizes the importance of developing and implementing an effective strategy. The content of the concepts «economic security» and «strategy of economic security of the enterprise» were revealed. It is noted that the main purpose of enterprise economic security is to guarantee its stable and efficient operation at the moment and in the future. It is determined that the result that formalizes the process of functioning of the strategic management system is the development of strategies, in particular the strategy of economic security of the enterprise. Emphasis is placed on the fact that economic security occupies an important place in the structure of strategic management of the enterprise. It is noted that the process of developing an economic security strategy takes into account both objective and subjective factors. The main stages of the process of developing an economic security strategy were characterized.


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How to Cite
Diachkov, D., Potapiuk, I., & Kapran, I. (2021). ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE ENTERPRISE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (24).