Keywords: investment attractiveness, climate change, agriculture, instability


The article proves that the trend of climate change has a direct impact not only on the economic development of any enterprise, but for the whole country and the world as a whole. The environmental factor is one of the most influential for the agricultural sector. It is established that an important task for the effective adaptation of the agro-industrial enterprise to global climate change is a clear understanding of the consequences, risks and vulnerabilities in the short, medium and long term. This will allow the company's managers to understand the trend of climate change and how to influence the company in the future against the background of these problems. Studies show the negative consequences of climate change and the forms of their manifestation, which threaten the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. The main ones are: instability of temperature indicators in the field of water resources, soil degradation and the spread of diseases and pests of crops. The task of adapting Kernel agroholding to the new conditions of agricultural business taking into account the conditions of climate change is proposed.


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How to Cite
Davydenko, N., Zhovnirenko, O., & Maksymenko, B. (2021). IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (33).

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