Keywords: society, social values, economic values, World Values Survey, WVS wave 7 (WVS-7)


The article considers the system of social values as one of the main integration factors of society. From the whole system of social values, the authors select for their analysis the value orientations related to the economic sphere of society. The authors focus on the economic aspects of life, such as business; employment; income disparities; unemployment; taxation; social, gender and age inequalities and stereotypes; attitudes towards competition, ownership; attitudes towards work, remuneration for work; priority of environmental protection or economic development; place of work; financial condition of one’s own household; level of trust in economic institutions, including international ones, etc. To study the system of economic values, the authors use the data obtained during the Seventh Wave of World Values Survey that is the most recent wave of the largest international research project studying social values. The Seventh Wave survey of Ukrainians took place in 2020. The authors analyse the answers of Ukrainian respondents to a number of questions directly or indirectly related to the social institution of the economy and various aspects of its functioning. The authors identify some features of the value orientations of Ukrainians depending on their age and gender. The authors conclude that the system of economic value orientations of Ukrainians has a noticeable traditionalist basis, accounted rather for historical reasons. Respondents showed a marked tendency towards paternalism and the so-called “leftist” socio-economic orientation. For example, a significant proportion of respondents are in favour of income equality, the growth of state ownership in business and production, and the fact that the state should be more responsible for the level of security of all citizens. Therefore, the use of WVS data, both of recent and previous waves, opens wide prospects for further in-depth analysis of the system of social values of Ukrainians in general and their economic values in particular. The authors plan to compare the results of surveys in different countries in Europe and the world.


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How to Cite
Sakalo, O., Stepanenko, S., & Yakovenko, L. (2021). THE ECONOMIC VALUES OF UKRAINIAN SOCIETY: ACCORDING TO THE SEVENTH WAVE OF WORLD VALUES SURVEY. Economy and Society, (33).