Keywords: foreign investments, foreign investors, direct and indirect (portfolio) investments, recipient industries, enterprise with foreign investments, foreign enterprise


The purpose of the article is to analyze the dynamics of volumes and directions of foreign investments in Ukraine, to identify existing problems of foreign investment and to find possible ways to solve them. In recent economic conditions, the available financial, economic and resource potential of our country does not allow the domestic economy to provide itself with the necessary investment resources. Foreign investment is the key to the systematic development of material and technical basis, stimulating competition in the market, improving living standards in the country and more. Attracting foreign investment, compared to traditional sources of funding, provides additional opportunities, which consist in the use of foreign organizational and managerial experience, access to new technologies, development of export potential of business structures and the entire economy. Therefore, the study of the problems of attracting foreign investment into the economy of Ukraine is an urgent theoretical and practical problem. The information base of the study is the materials of the National Bank of Ukraine, UNCTAD data and personal research of the authors. In the process of research general scientific and economic methods were used: monographic method (in statement of a problem and definition of conclusions); graphical method (to reflect the dynamics of foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine, the structure of direct investment, the ranking of the largest donor countries of foreign investment in Ukraine, regional and sectoral structure of foreign direct investment in Ukraine). The article generalizes the essence of the concepts "foreign investment", "foreign investor", considers the forms in which foreign investment can be realized. Direct and indirect (portfolio) investments are analyzed: their structure and dynamics in Ukraine. The ten largest countries-investors, the main branches-recipients of foreign investments, distribution of foreign investments on regions of Ukraine are defined. The main reasons for the uneven distribution of foreign investments and their insufficient inflow into the economy of Ukraine are outlined: unpredictability of the political situation in the country, military threats, incomplete judicial reform and risks associated with economic rights and freedoms, protection of property rights, underdeveloped stock market, risks, related to global trends in the economy, including pandemics and more.


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How to Cite
Tsymbalyuk, Y., Korman, I., & Rolinskyi, O. (2021). STATE OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (31).

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