Keywords: services marketing, elevator services, marketing activity, marketing tools, pricing policy, promotion policy


In Ukraine, there is a certain parity between the demand and the need for capacity to store grain and bring it to the appropriate commodity conditions. In regions with a high level of supply of elevator services, there is an increase in competition for customers by intensifying the marketing policy of enterprises in the industry. The aim of the article is to analyze the practice of using marketing services tools by Ukrainian elevators and to determine the factors influencing this use. The methodological basis of the study is analysis, systems approach, dialectical method of scientific cognition, fundamental concepts of marketing services, scientific works of economists devoted to the study of marketing problems of enterprises in the service sector. The study revealed that despite recent active development of domestic elevator infrastructure, the regional distribution of their capacity and the level of production is uneven, which creates a different competitive context for enterprises. In regions with insufficient infrastructure, or the dominance of a single major player, the pricing policy of elevators provides for the so-called monopoly rent. It is determined that the supply of elevator storage services in terms of certain types of crops as a whole corresponds to the structure and volume of their production. Monitoring of elevator services promotion policy shows the most active use of various loyalty programs by certain independent enterprises in the regions with a high level of competition, as well as in regions with a medium level of competition by holding companies that have a network of elevators and develop the same marketing policy for the whole network. It is substantiated that the strengthening of competition among granaries in certain regions contributed to intensification of marketing efforts of elevators to promote services. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying its results by elevator enterprises of Ukraine when planning their marketing policy in the mid-term perspective and while defining perspective directions of development of the related infrastructure by local governments.


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How to Cite
Penkova, O., Kharenko, A., & Sokovnina, D. (2021). USE OF SERVICES MARKETING TOOLS BY ELEVATORS OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (29).