Keywords: competitiveness, competition, air transportation market, airlines, competitiveness management mechanism of airlines


The article examines the peculiarities of ensuring the competitiveness of airlines on the world market. The main economic aspects of the meaningful characteristics of the competitiveness of airlines are determined. The economic competitiveness of airlines is based on its ability to optimally use resources, efficiently produce and deliver products and services to the market, as well as on its ability to adapt to changes in the economic environment of the air transportation market. The key aspects of the importance of sustainable competitiveness in the strategic development of airlines are summarized. The main factors of success will be the optimization of costs and improvement of operational processes, which will allow to reduce tariffs and attract more passengers. Participation in international alliances and expansion of the route network will help increase the share of airlines in the market. The economic content and goals of the mechanism for managing the competitiveness of airlines on the world market have been established. The model was developed and the elements of the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the competitiveness of airlines in the world market were identified. The main purpose of this mechanism is to ensure the effective functioning and development of the enterprise in a changing business environment. It is also aimed at increasing the overall level of competitiveness of the airline, ensuring its ability to compete on the world market and occupy a favorable position compared to other participants. Recommendations are given on the step-by-step creation or improvement of the enterprise competitiveness management system in the air transportation market. It was established that airlines need to actively implement the latest technologies and improve the quality of passenger service in order to meet international standards of competitiveness. Globalization and market openness create both new opportunities and threats and require a high level of flexibility and strategic thinking from airlines. With a competitive advantage, an airline can provide services at a higher price and earn more profit.


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How to Cite
Ali, A.-M. (2024). FEATURES OF ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF AIRLINES ON THE WORLD MARKET. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-19