Keywords: Employee Value Proposition (EVP), HR management, IT companies, mobilized employees, employee engagement


This research explores the dynamics of the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in Ukrainian IT companies during the full-scale war. The aim of the study is to highlight the key specifics of HR strategies during the war, focusing on their impact on the employer's value proposition. The article analyzes the main components of EVP, including competitive compensation, career development, a positive work environment, work-life balance, and job security. It examines how these elements contribute to increased employee loyalty and engagement within companies. Furthermore, the article provides an analysis of the development and impact of the IT industry on Ukraine's economy, underscoring its crucial role. The study delves into global and domestic approaches to supporting mobilized employees, highlighting best practices from leading IT companies such as EPAM Systems, SoftServe, and Edvantis. Special attention is given to ensuring the mental health of employees and providing guarantees of job retention during mobilization, which are critical in maintaining workforce stability and morale. The research draws on data from various sources, including scientific publications, analytical company reports, and survey results. By grouping different practical approaches to supporting mobilized employees into comprehensive HR strategies, the study offers valuable insights into mitigating the impact of war on the workforce. These HR strategies are essential for maintaining organizational stability and efficiency during crises, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development and success of Ukrainian IT companies and the broader economy. The conclusions emphasize the importance of implementing comprehensive HR strategies and a well-structured EVP to ensure the stability and effectiveness of organizations in times of crisis. Such strategies not only help retain employees but also enhance their motivation and engagement, which are vital for the resilience and competitiveness of companies. Future research directions include analyzing the effectiveness of these strategies and their long-term impact on overall employee productivity and loyalty. In summary, a comprehensive approach to human capital management during wartime is imperative for ensuring the sustainable growth and success of Ukrainian IT companies. This study highlights the critical need for well-rounded EVP and supportive HR practices that address the unique challenges posed by the ongoing conflict. By adopting best practices and innovative strategies, Ukrainian IT firms can navigate the complexities of wartime conditions, maintaining their workforce's well-being and driving organizational success.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, H., & Petriv, I. (2024). DYNAMICS OF EMPLOYEE VALUE PROPOSITION (EP) IN UKRAINIAN IT COMPANIES DURING FULL-SCALE WAR. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-97