Keywords: IT technologies, Management, Digital Transformation, Optimization, Business processes


Modern enterprises cannot ignore the transition to digital technologies. IT technologies play a key role in all aspects of enterprise management - from finance and marketing to operational management and resource planning. Understanding and effectively utilizing these technologies becomes necessary for achieving strategic goals. Digital transformation opens up new opportunities for optimizing business processes, increasing productivity, and creating competitive advantages. IT technologies play a key role in all aspects of enterprise management - from finance and marketing to operational management and resource planning. Understanding and effective utilization of these technologies becomes essential for achieving strategic goals. The article examines the role and importance of IT technologies in modern enterprise management. It is found that these technologies play a crucial role in all management aspects - from finance and marketing to operational management and resource planning. Understanding and effective utilization of these technologies become an integral component of the strategic success of the enterprise in today's business environment. The article analyzes the advantages provided by the use of IT technologies, and discusses methods and practical advice for their effective management. Special attention is paid to the challenges and opportunities that arise in the process of managing IT technologies in the enterprise, as well as recommendations for overcoming these problems. The conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of implementing and effectively utilizing IT technologies to achieve the strategic goals of the organization in today's business environment. Enterprises that successfully implement and efficiently manage IT technologies typically enjoy a competitive advantage in the market. Understanding and effectively utilizing these technologies can become a key factor for success. Therefore, considering the rapid pace of technological development and its impact on the business environment, the topic of "IT technologies as objects of management within enterprises" remains highly relevant and important for modern organizations.


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How to Cite
Shpak, Y., & Andrukhiv, I. (2024). IT TECHNOLOGIES AS OBJECTS OF MANAGEMENT IN ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (63).