Keywords: sustainable finance, green banking, financial instruments, regulatory regulation, banking sector, environmental security, economic growth


The article provides a thorough analysis of the current state of sustainable financing and green banking in Ukraine, taking into account current trends and challenges. By reviewing the latest research and publications in the field, as well as highlighting unresolved aspects of the problem, possible ways to increase the efficiency and availability of green financial instruments in the domestic banking sector have been determined. It is justified that the current state of sustainable financing and green banking in Ukraine has become the subject of active research and discussion, as it determines the prospects of sustainable development of the country in the context of global environmental challenges. Taking into account the international experience and best practices provided in the publications, the article offers recommendations for improving regulatory regulation, educational initiatives and creating favorable conditions for the development of green financial instruments. It was concluded that the key aspects for the further development of sustainable financing and green banking in Ukraine can contribute to sustainable economic growth and environmental security. This includes the need to strengthen regulatory support, raise awareness in the financial sector and actively engage international expertise and resources.


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How to Cite
Zhytar, M. (2024). SUSTAINABLE FINANCING AND GREEN BANKING IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62).