Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, methodological approaches, methods of enterprise competitiveness, BCG model, McKinsey method, Shell / DPM model, PIMS method, Porter model, factors of enterprise competitiveness


The article is devoted to topical issues of methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises. Economic assessment and diagnostics of the competitiveness of enterprises involves the use of a system of methodological approaches, in which differentiation, criteria, model indicators determine the adequacy of the results, taking into account the specifics of the competitive environment. It is analyzed that among the methods of assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise with proper information support is the most accurate parametric (indicator, criterion) group of methods. At the same time, an objective assessment of the competitive position of enterprises is provided by methods in which the final calculation is the calculation of an integrated indicator of competitiveness. There are effective methods of determining the competitive position in terms of strategic potential of the enterprise, which allow to assess the rationality of the concept of strategic positioning of the subject of the economic system. Given that the main property of the competitiveness of the enterprise is dynamism, the level of competitive position can not be considered as a long-term characteristic of the competitive status of the enterprise regardless of the efficiency of economic and financial activities, so we propose to use matrix (strategic) evaluation methods. The essence of matrix methods is that the competitive position of similar enterprises is reflected in the matrix of competitiveness according to certain evaluation parameters. The competitiveness matrix of the enterprise can be considered as a graphical interpretation, in which each axis characterizes one of the parameters of competitiveness (single- or multi-criteria system) and in combination reflects the position of the enterprise in a competitive environment. Under modern conditions, the competitive environment of monopoly and the environment of perfect competition are quite radical models of market economy and are rarely used. Thus, the more efficient the market, the stronger the competition, the more important is the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products.


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