Keywords: integrated management system, standard, management system, cumulative approach, adaptive approach, combined approach


The article is devoted consideration of the essence of the integrated management system. The study was conducted and approaches to the interpretation of the concept of integrated management system was formed. We have identified cumulative, adaptive and combined approaches to defining an integrated management system. It was studied that some scientists integrated management system was considered as a combination, cumulation of individual elements, subsystems into a whole, which would form an integrated system. On the other hand, integration is an entry into the international space, that is, in essence – adaptation to international requirements, and in our case – to international standards. And the third approach actually combines two visions of integration – it is compliance with international standards and the fact that there should be several (more than two) standards, that is, their combination. The main features of the concept are identified, namely: an integrated management system is a basic management system that meets the requirements of international standards for management systems, aimed at balancing the interests of all stakeholders and optimizing the social, environmental and economic performance; the purpose is to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The author's interpretation of the concept of integrated management system is given. An integrated management system is a holistic management system based on international standards for management systems and the purpose of it implementation is to achieve the goals of the enterprise provided the optimization of social, environmental and economic performance. Thus, the result of the study was the definition of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of integrated management system, the features of the concept and its author's interpretation. The scientific novelty of the work is to expand the theoretical foundations of management. For the first time, approaches to the interpretation of the concept of integrated management system was identified, in particular cumulative, adaptive and combined. Theoretical aspects in the direction of interpretation of the essence of the integrated management system were further developed.


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How to Cite
Kolenda, N., & Dytyna, O. (2021). THE ESSENCE OF THE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (26).