Keywords: agricultural products, demand, supply, pricing, land, costs, profit


To date, we see that prices for agricultural products are not stable. The result of enterprises depends on how competently enterprises set prices for their own products and services. However, setting the price of goods and services is not easy, because a large number of factors affect the price of goods and services. Pricing – is a very complex process. The choice of the general direction in pricing, the main approaches to determination of the prices for new and already issued for the purpose of increase of volumes of realization, a commodity turnover, increase of manufacture and strengthening of market positions of the enterprise is provided on the basis of marketing. Prices serve the entire turnover of the purchase and sale of goods, and pricing is a key tool available to the company. Based on what method of pricing will be used by enterprises in their activities, will depend on the development and operation of the entire enterprise. The cost can be formed by the number of costs in the manufacture of goods, and the next day its price will depend on the actions of consumers. Thus, when setting the price of their own goods and services, companies need to analyze all the factors that may affect, and determine the value so that companies can make a profit. The economic situation in the country leads to high competition in the market of agricultural products. Since grain prices are almost the same for all enterprises, farms should avoid high costs for growing grain and industrial crops in order for the enterprise to be competitive. The cost of growing and storing grain is growing, so the question arises why this is happening. This article analyzes the current problems on which the price of agricultural products in Ukraine depends. Consider the dependence of pricing on the season and on climate change and weather for cereals and industrial crops. The main reasons for the disparity in prices for agricultural products are identified. Let's find out the problems and features that farmers face during price formation. The influence of state regulation on the pricing of agricultural products is analyzed and options for price regulation are proposed.


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How to Cite
Kyryliuk, I., & Trokhymenko, A. (2021). FEATURES OF PRICING FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-34