Keywords: crisis, sustainable development, factors, factors of crisis phenomena, factors influencing sustainable development


The purpose of this article is to determine the interrelation between the concepts and factors of crisis and the impact on the sustainable development of the enterprise. In addition to the main operating activity, modern enterprises must also carry out a significant list of other activities. The relevance of this study is due to the need to optimize the financial and labor resources of the enterprise for other activities. It is expected that the root causes of the crisis in the enterprise and the drivers of sustainable development may be similar or intersect. The article considers the key approaches to defining the concept of "enterprise crisis", which have already occurred in the Ukrainian scientific literature. The authors have developed their own three approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "sustainable development of the enterprise". A comparison of these terms is made and it is determined that by their essential characteristics they have nothing in common except that they contribute to changes in the enterprise (in the first case – negative, in the second – positive). Next, a review of the factors of crisis phenomena and factors influencing the sustainable development of the enterprise. It has been found that the factors of crisis phenomena are usually divided into internal and external. They have many levels of detail. Factors influencing the sustainable development of the enterprise are also detailed to conduct a better analysis of the achieved level of sustainable development. Within the above classifications, the authors of the article identified two groups of similar factors, numbering six subgroups in each. Then a detailed comparative analysis was performed. It is concluded that the same indicators, tools, measures, and methods of enterprise management in case of reduced efficiency or inefficient use are factors of crisis phenomena, and in case of increased efficiency and improvement – factors of positive impact on sustainable development of the enterprise. The results of this study also created a new hypothesis that companies that successfully implement sustainable development standards in their activities are more resilient to crises. Proving this hypothesis in practice will be the next stage of the study.


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How to Cite
Khryniuk, O., & Ocheretiana, O. (2021). FACTORS OF CRISIS AND PROVISION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-47