Keywords: marketing management, effective marketing, management decisions, functions of the enterprise, marketing, management, managementorganization of marketing management


The work reveals the conditions of marketing management functioning in wartime conditions. Achieving the commercial goals of the enterprise with the help of effective marketing requires a deep knowledge of the market situation, an understanding of consumer needs, the ability to analyze and find alternatives, and a creative and creative approach to solving problems. Modern trends in the development of marketing management are identified, which are closely related to the marketing environment and changes occurring in the market. The negative factors that slow down the rapid development of marketing management at enterprises are given. Taking into account the peculiarities of market conditions of business, marketing management is considered as a managerial function of the enterprise, which is one of the most important and closely related to production, sales, supply, financial and administrative. Problems are revealed in the conditions of increased dynamism of the marketing environment, where the low level of adaptability of the organizational structure of enterprise management slows down the speed of the enterprise's reaction to changes in the external environment, makes it impossible to make and implement the necessary management decisions in a timely manner (operationally), especially in wartime. It was noted that marketing during the war, which is built on the appropriate principles, will have an extremely positive effect on the development of the enterprise in the post-war period and will be of great importance for the post-war position of the company. It is indicated that the effective management of the marketing function of the enterprise involves bringing all its resources (financial, labor, material, information) into compliance with the requirements and opportunities of the market in order to obtain maximum profit. The article discusses marketing management as demand management, and the peculiarity of the marketing management mechanism is the creation and satisfaction of the demand of potential consumers. The absence of a systematic integrated approach is indicated, which is connected with the constant lack of funds for the development of marketing at the enterprise, the absence of an information support system in the marketing service and an effective mechanism for motivating the work of marketing service employees, as well as insufficient level of staff support and insufficient level of information support.


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