Keywords: territorial marketing, territorial community, local development, competitiveness, integration


The article analyzes the process of local development management through the prism of the marketing concept. It is noted that from this perspective, the territory can be considered as an economic entity that is formed based on local resources, offering and exchanging specific value for a defined circle of consumers on clear principles and in certain forms. These goods (services), combined into a systemic whole, represent a certain set of values, which is the subject of territorial marketing. Based on the classical marketing paradigm, the content of other components of the territory's marketing complex—pricing, distribution, and promotion has been determined. It is argued that the role of marketing in shaping and implementing the strategy of local economic development lies in ensuring purposeful, comprehensive, and long-term activities aimed at enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory for both existing and potential beneficiaries of its resources. Moreover, it is important to utilize endogenous and exogenous development factors based on principles of optimization, sustainability, and community participation. It is illustrated that through the prism of the marketing concept, the strategy of local development should be viewed as a process of developing a system with complex cause-and-effect internal connections: social, economic, spatial, natural, and cultural, as well as the integration of this system into the surrounding environment. The main tasks of the marketing toolkit within the framework of forming and implementing the community's territorial development strategy should involve identifying measures that contribute to the sustained growth of the territory's attractiveness over time. A model of the relationship between the marketing concept and strategic management at the level of the territorial community is proposed. Within this model, specific features of applying market tools in shaping and implementing local development strategies are highlighted.


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