Keywords: state policy, state support, entrepreneurship development, small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development mechanism, European integration, entrepreneurship development


The article offers a solution to the scientific task, which consists in substantiating the development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of European integration. Military actions on the territory of Ukraine led to a significant decline and transformation of the economy. As a result of prolonged military aggression, direct state losses from damage and destruction of infrastructure, namely industry, are already measured in hundreds of billions of dollars. The most affected in Ukraine are: roads, residential construction, airports, industrial enterprises, agro-industrial complex, transport industries. Military conflicts in certain regions can lead to significant changes not only in the economy of Ukraine, but also affect the economies, development of business activities, and the food system of other countries. That is why, for the development of entrepreneurship, even during a large-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, it is necessary to carry out the necessary reforms for integration into the economic space of the European Union. Business development in the conditions of a war economy requires active state intervention, namely direct regulation. State bodies should provide the private sector with financial, expert and consulting assistance. The search for grant funds from foreign countries is urgent, since the possibilities of state financing are limited, and the priority of budget expenditures is the issue of ensuring the country's defense capability. The development of entrepreneurship under consideration is an activity aimed at the interaction and adjustment of all elements of the system of entrepreneurial activity in order to achieve profit, and should also ensure smooth, systematic and balanced work of entrepreneurship, ways of their organization and especially modernization. The article analyzes the essence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine. In order to develop and improve the development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of Ukraine obtaining the status of a candidate for the European Union (EU), legal, organizational, normative and institutional changes are proposed, which in the future will contribute to the development of entrepreneurial activity and adaptation to the European space. The development of entrepreneurship requires attracting investments and sufficient funding from the state and international investors. The factors affecting the state policy of entrepreneurship development are analyzed. Entrepreneurship subjects in Ukraine were studied. The factors influencing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were analyzed. The mechanism for the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine was developed. The strategy for the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine was studied.


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How to Cite
Zabashta, E. (2023). ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-37