Keywords: tourist potential, tourism industry, tourist and recreational resources, infrastructure, tourism business


The article delves into the intricate realm of tourist potential, defining it as a comprehensive and multifaceted construct that amalgamates a diverse blend of natural, recreational, cultural, historical, organizational, and economic elements. These intricate facets collectively act as the foundation upon which various forms of tourism can flourish, contributing to the holistic advancement of the entire tourism industry. It underscores that the cultivation of tourism in any given locale is intrinsically interlinked with its inherent tourist potential. Tourist potential emerges as a bedrock factor intricately interwoven with the genesis and evolution of the tourism sector within a nation's borders. It assumes a role beyond its economic dimensions, permeating the social fabric and facilitating the consolidation of society. The article prominently accentuates the nuanced process of shaping and cultivating tourist potential, shedding light on its defining attributes that shape its unique identity. The essence of tourist potential resides in the amalgamation of diverse tourist resources and prospects within a specific geographical area. These resources, ranging from cultural landmarks to geographical wonders, are harnessed by governmental entities to pave the way for societal cohesion at the local, regional, and national tiers. At its core, the paramount strategic objectives for amplifying Ukraine's tourist potential encompass the creation of a tourism product characterized by excellence and quality. This aspiration is underpinned by a framework of robust marketing initiatives, which, when executed effectively, act as catalysts for unveiling the intrinsic allure of the country's diverse tourist offerings. Furthermore, an efficient and all-encompassing utilization of the existing tourist potential is envisaged, propelling the nation towards the realization of its tourism aspirations.


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How to Cite
Samoday, V., & Levkovska, Z. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS OF UKRAINE’S TOURIST POTENTIAL. Economy and Society, (53).