Keywords: digitalization of the economy, enterprise, strategic management, development, digital sustainability


The purpose of the article is to determine the features and perspectives of the transformation of the strategic management of the enterprise with the application of new competencies under the influence of large-scale digitalization processes in the economy. The digitization of the economy has significantly changed the conditions of business operations in all sectors, which has led to the appearance of not only threats, but also new opportunities for the development of business entities. Under such circumstances, the adequate response of enterprises to large-scale digital transformations is the strategic management of their development, which allows to achieve the efficiency of operations in the long term. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, interdisciplinary and synergistic approach, based on the integrated and complex use of both general and special research methods. The group of general scientific research methods is formed by the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, structuring, induction, deduction, comparative, statistical and dynamic analysis. The article examines modern directions for improving the strategic management of the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. In the context of the rapid development of digital technologies, it is the strategic approach to management that becomes critically important for the enterprise. It was established that the flexibility and speed of management are becoming the key aspects of the success of the enterprise in the conditions of digital transformation. Based on the study of the impact of the processes of digitalization of the economy on the activities of business entities, the work defines the components of the digital sustainability of the enterprise and forms the principles of developing the strategy of the enterprise in the modern business environment in order to ensure its competitiveness. The tools of digital transformation of the business models of the enterprise are defined and measures are proposed to improve the strategic management of the enterprise, in particular, the analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the business model, the development of strategic planning methodology in conditions of instability, the use of artificial intelligence in strategic planning, and the assessment of risks of digital transformation.


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How to Cite
Grynko, T., Hviniashvili, T., & Kaliberda, M. (2023). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (50).