Keywords: career growth, career path, hotel, hospitality industry, employee


The article is devoted to topical issues related to management of career growth of employees in the field of hospitality and recreation. It is noted that the career growth of any employee depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the efforts of the enterprise. The following links of the hotel have an influence on the career growth of hotel employees: such as the head of the division, personnel management service; colleagues A generalized periodization of the career is presented, which depends on the age of the employee and it is indicated that in order to become a head of the food service in the future, it is necessary to start a career from the position of a waiter; and those who plan to become the head of the reception and accommodation service – from the position of receptionist. This will allow you to get to know how the hotel functions and gain the necessary experience. According to the managers of chain hotels, the career path of a hotelier should start from the initial positions. You can climb the career ladder in the field of hospitality quite quickly, but in order to hold a prestigious position in a five-star hotel, you need to start from the lowest positions. The general manager of Radisson Blu Resort, Bukovel started his career as a purchasing manager in the Food and Beverage department. The article examines external career factors, which are divided into two areas: general (non-official) and special (official). It is noted that the field of hospitality and recreation is a special field of services in which great attention is paid to the personal qualities of employees. The personal qualities of employees, which are most necessary for successful activity, are determined. Directly during the personnel selection procedure, various methods of assessing the necessary qualities and competencies of applicants for a vacant hotel position are used: questionnaires and interviews with the heads of various departments of the hotel (initially with the head of the personnel department, then with the head of the department of the employee directly accepting the position). In addition, testing can be conducted to determine the candidate's psychological characteristics, a job request, and a psychological examination.


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How to Cite
Aldoshyna, M., & Kozubova, N. (2023). CAREER GROWTH MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY AND RECREATION WORKERS. Economy and Society, (48).