Keywords: changes, organizational changes, resistance to changes, reasons of resistance, types of resistance, factors of resistance to changes, staff


This scientific article describes the features, types and forms of resistance to change in the organization, analyses the psychological and economic causes of resistance to change, explores the relationship between age factor in terms of rigidity to change. The relevance of the chosen topic is added by the ever-increasing speed of changes in the modern world. The internal environment of organizations is also constantly changing under the influence of various factors. The age of the staff is one such factor. Change always generates resistance. With this in mind, it is important to form a valuable scientific basis for understanding the mechanism of resistance to personnel change and scientifically prove the interdependence of factors that contribute to the spread of resistance among employees of the organization. The study was conducted empirically by interviewing employees of a consulting agency. Based on the results of the study, conducted empirically and analytically, the following conclusions were made: the formation of resistance to change depends on a number of reasons and various factors that affect each employee individually, the team and the system as a whole; age characteristics of employees of the organization play a role in shaping the attitude of employees to change, but are not always decisive; assessment of staff propensity to form resistance to change should be done comprehensively, taking into account social, economic, psychological and age factors. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that resistance to change is often driven by many different factors, important of which, but not the key and not the only one, is the age of the staff. Undoubtedly, the process of implementing changes in the enterprise is a complex process and managers should always be prepared for resistance from staff. Despite the difficulty of implementing change related to staff resistance, it is important to remember that change is an aspect of development and progress, and resistance is an aspect of change. The practical value of the article is to develop a scientific basis for the interdependence of age and resistance to change.


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How to Cite
Prib, K., & Dunai, V. (2021). FACTORS OF FORMATION OF RESISTANCE TO CHANGES OF THE PERSONNEL OF ORGANIZATION. Economy and Society, (24). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-24-48