Keywords: creative industry, project management in film production, project management models, film project, art project


The rapid development of technology, the growth of information resources, the emergence of more enterprises in the field of services show that modern life outlines the features of post-industrial society. With the increasing value of human capital, there is relevant concept of "information society", "creative economy". It determines that in addition to basic needs a person focuses on the needs that relate to spiritual development. Accordingly, with the growth of life quality and public goods, people strive for personal satisfaction and leisure, to the results of creative industries. Knowledge, information, interactive and cultural communications play the role of agents of social, political, and economic change in modern society. The predominant core of such production is a creative approach, creativity of the individual and the team. The film industry is an integral part of the creative industry and the economy. The enterprises and projects of the film industry have a complex structure. The main purpose of this article is to describe characteristics of a film project and to substantiate the feasibility of using project management methods in the film industry. In research were used methods of analysis and synthesis, theoretical search, induction and deduction, observation, analogies, comparative analysis. The article identifies the role of the creative industry in the economy. The dynamics of the growth of film production in the world is considered. The state of the industry in Ukraine and the incentives that contributed to the market growth are described. The use of project management in film production is substantiated. It is determined that the project approach in cinematographic activity provides high efficiency of the organization. Appropriate methods and tools for possible adaptation in the film project management are indicated. Relevant roles of the project manager in the film production are determined. The stages of a film project by the groups of project management processes are given. A comparison of the use of Waterfall and Agile models according to the stages of film production is made. It is established that with the growth of the uniqueness of the film project the level of risk and the importance of risk management increase. The changes taking place in the approach to the organization of processes due to the COVID-19 pandemic are outlined.


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How to Cite
Horbas, I., & Pavliuk, V. (2021). ART PROJECTS MANAGEMENT IN FILM INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (24).