Keywords: risk, entrepreneurial risk, risk functions, means of influencing risk, risk management


The article is devoted to the generalization of theoretical views of scientists on the essence of entrepreneurial risk as an economic category. It is defined that the activity of any business entity is associated with uncertainty, changes in the economic environment, political and social instability; therefore, it is always risky. Focus is placed on the need and timeliness of identification of business risk in the economic activity of the enterprise. It is emphasized that entrepreneurial risk characterizes the potential for loss of resources and income compared to the option designed for the rational use of resources. It is noted that the essence of entrepreneurial risk is conditioned by its main functions: innovative, protective, analytical, regulatory, and social. It is emphasized that the issue of risk management should become a priority of every business entity. It is characterized by a set of methods that allows to forecast the occurrence of risky events to some extent. It is noted that the effectiveness of management decisions depends on the sustainable development of the enterprise and its competitive position in foreign and domestic markets. The main techniques and methods of influencing economic risks are described. The techniques of influencing risk are risk reduction, risk preservation, risk transfer. The main methods of risk influence are risk avoidance, risk acceptance, risk prevention, risk reduction and risk equalization. It is emphasized that it is important to make timely decisions in risk management, using methods and techniques that are most optimal for a particular situation and a particular enterprise, matching and combining them. Focus is placed on the main stages of management of certain types of business risks. It should be noted that the key stages in the sequence of actions for entrepreneurial risk management of economic activity are: to define the purpose and key objectives of risk management; to establish the object of risk management; to determine and apply the optimal risk assessment methodology; to direct risk management; to calculate the criterion of risk management efficiency.


Господарський кодекс України № 436-IV редакція від 04.03.2015 р. URL: (дата звернення: 24.03.2021).

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