Keywords: Agile philosophy, Scrum team, sprint, scaling, LeSS, LeSS Huge


At the current stage of development of innovative technologies, the need to find flexible management methods is increasing. Modern business is in difficult conditions, when the external and internal environment of the company, requirements for projects are constantly changing. A large number and complexity of projects increases requires the development of innovative management methods. Traditional management does not always allow to withstand the competition of innovative companies. The use of teamwork, the formation of an innovative organizational culture, the development of creative thinking leads to a change in the quality of the workforce, an increase in productivity, because the teamwork requires transparency and an increase the value of human relations of team members. So the creation of Scrum-teams is a factor of the successful using agile methodology in the organization that works in the conditions of adaptation to market uncertainty. The purpose of the article is to justify the expediency to use Agile methods in the management of a large number of teams in the company. The research was based on the main provisions of the theory of labor organization, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on employee motivation and team management The research methods that were used: dialectical method of cognition; logical and system analysis; abstract-logical and others. Justified tools for managing a large number of teams. The article analyzed the factors for improving the effectiveness of teams. Substantiated the main principles of managing a large number of teams, the importance of changes in the organizational structure and organizational culture when the number of teams in the company increase. The research has the practical significance in the recommendations for scaling Scrum-teams through the implementation of LeSS or LeSS Huge in depending on the number of teams in the company. The results of the research can become the basis of further theoretical and applied research related to the management of teams based on the Agile-philosophy.


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, N., & Komarova, K. (2023). AGILE METHODS IN TEAM MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (47).