Keywords: audit, methodology, method, methodical reception, audit procedure, business activity, development


The article is devoted to the research, systematization and development of more advanced and effective audit procedures in the field of development. The author states that the audit in development should focus on preventing adverse events and provide objective confirmation of the accuracy of information and provide insight into the effectiveness and efficiency of risk management, internal control and management system of development activities, which is by definition entrepreneurial. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of the audit of any business activity, and hence development, is determined by the ability of its performers to think critically, apply innovative ideas and identify risks in a timely manner, offer effective ways to solve existing problems. The essence of the concepts «method», «reception», «procedure» is considered in the article. Approaches to the classification of audit methods on various grounds are also presented. The relationship between audit methods, methods and audit procedures is presented. It is proposed to build the audit methodology according to the following relationship: method – methodological approach – analytical procedure. It is proved that from the methodological point of view, audit procedures should be considered as certain actions of the internal auditor, which are based on the effective application of existing methods and techniques of audit or their combinations, as well as methods of rational organization of internal audit. It is noted that the use of different methods and techniques of auditing depends on the specific type of analytical procedure and the field of its conduct. Features of the audit in the field of development are considered. Sound approaches to the content and role of audit procedures for developers. There are several types of audit procedures that are of particular importance for the audit of developers. The list of factors taking into account the expediency of using certain methods, conducting audit procedures is given. It is established that the list of audit procedures in development is the basis for determining the composition, completeness, as well as for the effective performance of tasks assigned to the auditor in order to take into account the significant degree of riskiness of development activities.


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How to Cite
Morozova, E., Kuznetsova, G., & Onyshchenko, V. (2022). FEATURES OF THE AUDIT OF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. Economy and Society, (42). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-42-44