Keywords: quality of life, retirement age, income, expendechives, housing conditions, social infrastructure


The purpose of writing this article is to assess the quality of life of Ukrainian retirement age in terms of types of settlements with emphasis on potential changes due to hostilities. At the present stage of Ukrainian history, when the country is in a state of war, when the growth of prices and the deterioration of transport connection between settlements only deepened the situation, it is necessary to solve the problems of persons of retirement age and to reduce excessive social differences, which is one of the social priorities of Ukrainian society development on the way to preservation of the population. The differences and common features are analysed as the life of persons of retirement age in cities and rural areas. The peculiarities of the structure of income and expenses of Ukrainian pensioners, their consumption, property characteristics and living conditions are investigated. Particular attention is paid to distinctive features as the life of this population. The problem of pensions as a major income in times of hostilities is outlined. Separate problems with social infrastructure and communication are identified, which shows the low provision of Internet services and in general the level of use of them. It is noted that for urban retirement age a greater problem is air pollution, and rural retirement age suffers more often than urban from drinking water. Primary care centres, shops that have simply disappeared, both due to lack of funding and unprofitable, are very important for persons of retirement age. It is impossible to pay attention to the lack of leisure. Prior to the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and active hostilities throughout Ukraine, the retirement age lived longer, and some of them led a rather active lifestyle. In addition to infrastructure problems, in rural areas, in general, there is a serious problem with transport. A small number of residents in many villages have led to a significant reduction in passenger traffic, and therefore closing of unprofitable routes, therefore, the deterioration of the quality of transport services provided to rural residents. Particular attention should be paid to the problem of daily assistance to rural retirement age with home keeping.


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How to Cite
Kohatko, Y., & PolіakovaS. (2022). PENSIONERS’ QUALITY OF LIFE: SETTLEMENT ASPECT. Economy and Society, (40).

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