Keywords: financial monitoring, economy, digitalization, state, information support


The article is devoted to topical issues of financial monitoring and directions of its improvement in the current conditions of digitalization of the domestic economy. It is established that ensuring the development of the financial monitoring system in modern conditions is an important and urgent task. The purpose of the study is to substantiate proposals for improving the financial monitoring system in Ukraine. The study of the current state of regional development in Ukraine and in the EU was conducted on the Based on the abstract-logical method, the article summarizes and proposes the main directions of financial monitoring and its improvement in the current conditions of digitalization of the domestic economy. The activity of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine is analyzed. The factors on the basis of which there is a steady tendency to increase the number of reports on financial transactions received by the State Financial Monitoring Service from the subjects of primary financial monitoring are substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the dynamics of reports received in terms of signs of financial monitoring in recent years, which received the State Financial Monitoring Service. It was found that the National Bank of Ukraine applies measures to banks and financial companies in case of improper identification, verification and verification. The directions of digitalization implementation in the sphere of financial monitoring in Ukraine are outlined. It is concluded that the regulation of financial monitoring on the basis of digitalization is an inevitable process, given the development trends of modern civilized society. The practical value of the article is the use of digital technologies in the implementation of financial monitoring will facilitate the access of primary financial monitoring entities to most services in this area, reduce abuses and corruption in the financial sector by translating most transactions electronically, reducing costs of financial transactions associated with the circulation of paper money.


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How to Cite
Hnatkovich, O., Ovchynnikova, T., & Smolinska, S. (2022). FINANCIAL MONITORING IN UKRAINE AND DIRECTIONS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT. Economy and Society, (38).

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