Keywords: tourism, innovation, information technologies, Smart City, digitalization


The article examines the problems and prospects of tourism development, taking into account changes and new needs in the world economy caused by the pandemic, globalization and digitalization of the economy. The purpose of the study is to consider the prospects for implementing the Smart concept City and its impact on the development of the tourism industry. The authors emphasize that currently in the implementation of various management projects are increasingly resorting to consider the use of technologies related to the concept of Smart City . Tourism is one of the priority areas of economic and cultural development of the country and megacities of the world. Providing modern and completely new services of high quality, taking into account the security factor, requires new approaches to management urban environment and directly in the field of tourism. The authors determined that in order to actively apply the use of smart solutions by citizens, the city authorities need to study the experience of leading cities with similar characteristics. The authors defined a list of key factors and a number of objective factors that affect the popularity and ease of use of smart solutions in the tourist region. “ Smart city "- cities of the future, aimed at facilitating the daily routine of both citizens and public services, improving the environment, the introduction of advanced production and livelihood technologies, cities that meet all international standards and are fully ready to receive tourists, equipped with the necessary infrastructure all categories of citizens. The influence of smart cities on tourism in general is already noticeable. They seem to serve as an ideal model of a place of rest, just as the emergence of this concept has significantly increased the standards for facilities involved in the tourism process. It should be noted that smart technologies are used not only for general urban management, but also implemented in various sectors of the economy. The authors outline the main directions of smart technologies for the formation and development of innovative tourism product. Thus, it is possible to conclude that smart technologies are the basis of innovative solutions not only in integrated urban management, but also widely used for development, but also provide an opportunity to form and promote innovative tourism product of the city.


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How to Cite
Ryabev, A., Tonkoshkur, M., & Kravtsova, S. (2022). SMART CITY CONCEPT AND IMPACT ON THE TOURISM IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (35).

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