Keywords: use of time, planning, indicator, students, time management, factors


This article is devoted to the characteristics of the main problems of modern youth related to the planning of their time in a global pandemic. In order to better understand the essence of the article, the basic information related to the topic of time management was given, namely the essence and role of the concept of "time management". Particular attention is paid to time management methods and techniques that help us better and more effectively plan and manage our time. Among them are the following: "Tomato Method", also called "25 Minute System", invented by Francesco Cirillo, "Eat a frog for breakfast", which focuses on unpleasant matters, and the elephant method, which means doing large tasks at first. The article analyzes how rationally interviewed students use their own time, because in connection with the pandemic, in our country a distance learning regime was introduced and students had a problem with the correct distribution of their time. First, the main component of time management is studied – planning and ways to implement it. This can be a case recording in both offline and online format. Secondly, an important issue is the duration of sleep. Third, we analyze where we waste time and why we may lack it. We are talking about the use of gadgets, self-development, homework, procrastination and more. The article also lists other factors that significantly affect how we use our time effectively: incorrectly allocated time, inappropriately prioritized tasks, the influence of "time eaters", such as social networks, gadgets. The study revealed the level of productivity of the surveyed students and whether they keep up in 24 hours a day. There are also possible ways to overcome the problems associated with lack of time and tips on how to use time wisely during distance learning in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevance of this article is to analyze the level of organization of student respondents during the day, because time is a very important resource in our lives that should be used with caution and be more balanced and reasonable when setting priorities, especially in distance education during a global pandemic.


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How to Cite
Manaienko, I., & Matiiash, D. (2021). STUDENT TIME MANAGEMENT IN THE CONVENTION OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (32).