• Данило Цимбалюк Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана https://orcid.org/0009-0004-1500-6074
Ключові слова: міграція, інтеграція, інтеграція мігрантів, ринок праці, економічна інтеграція, професійна інтеграція


Стаття присвячена дослідженню питань інтеграції мігрантів у різні сфери життєдіяльності країни-реципієнта. Метою статті є опрацювання теоретико-методологічних засад та розроблення змістових характеристик і вимірів інтеграції мігрантів у різні сфери життєдіяльності країни-реципієнта. Сформульовано методологічні засади, які визначають змістові характеристики поняття «інтеграція мігрантів». Визначено, що інтеграція є багатовекторним непрямолінійним процесом, який торкається різних сторін і суб’єктів й передбачає становлення мігранта як прийнятого суспільством, рівноправного члена певної спільноти. Запропоновано виміри (види) інтеграції мігрантів й розкрито взаємозв’язок між ними. Визначено проблеми, пов’язані з інтеграцією мігрантів, та передумови для успішної економічної їх інтеграції.


Adda J., Dustmann C., Görlach J.-S. The dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage Assimilation. SSRN Electronic Journal. 14333. 2021. P. 1-15.

Ager A., Strang A. Understanding Integration: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Refugee Studies. 2008. Vol. 21. № 2. P. 166191. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fen016

Bommes M. Transnationalism or assimilation? In Immigration and social systems: Collected essays of Michael Bommes. IMISCOE Research. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2012. P. 107-124.

Esser H. Integration und Etnische Schichtung. Working paper № 40. Mannheim: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, 2001.

Favell A. Integration and nations: the nation-state and research on immigrants in Western Europe. Comparative Social Research Multicultural Challenge. 2003. Vol. 22. P. 13-42.

Górny A., Zwan R. Mobility and labor market trajectories of Ukrainian migrants to Poland in the context of the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine. European Societies. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2023.2298425.

Heckmann F., Schnapper D. The integration of immigrants in European Societies. Stuttgart : Lucius and Lucius, 2003. 261 p.

Hooper K., Desiderio M.V., Salant B. Improving the labour market integration of migrants and refugees. Empowering cities through better use of EU instruments. Working paper. Migration Policy Institute Europe. 2017. 42 p.

Lange T., Oomes N., Gons N., Spanikova V. Labour Migration and Labour Market Integration of Migrants in the Netherlands: Barriers and Opportunities Annex D to “Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East” (SEO Report No. 2019-24). Amsterdam, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2019. 58 p. URL: https://www.seo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Annex_D_Barriers_to_Migration_and_Integration.pdf (accessed 11.12.2024).

Lindo F. The concept of integration: Theoretical concerns and practical meaning. In Social integration and mobility. Lisbon : Centro de Estudos Geográficos 2005. P. 7-20.

Maruszewski W., Kaczmarczyk P. Economic Integration and Migrant Networks: The Case of Ukrainian Migrants in the Warsaw Agglomeration. Central European Economic Journal. 2020. Vol. 7 № 54. P. 258-278. https://doi.org/10.1515/ceej-2018-0003.

Müller T., Pannatier P., Viarengo M. Labor market integration, local conditions and inequalities: Evidence from refugees in Switzerland. World Development. 2023. Vol. 170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106288.

Penninx R. Integration of migrants: economic, social, cultural and political dimensions. In the New Demographic Regime Population Challenges and Policy Responses. Edited by M. Macura, A. L. MacDonald, W. Haug. New York, Geneva, UN, 2005. P. 137151.

Penninx R., Garcés-Mascareñas B. The Concept of Integration as an Analytical Tool and as a Policy Concept. In Integration Processes and Policies in Europe. Contexts, Levels and Actors. Springer, 2016. P. 11-29.

Phillimore J. Implementing integration in the UK: lessons for integration, theory, policy and practice. Policy and Politics. 2012. Vol. 40. № 4. Р. 525-545.

Pineau M.G., Waters M.C. The Integration of Immigrants into American Society. Washington :The National Academies Press, 2016. 458 p.

Salaris L., Tedesco N. Migration and the Labour Market: Ukrainian Women in the Italian Care Sector. Journal of International Migration & Integration. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-019-00656-1.

Spencer S., Charsley K. Conceptualising integration: a framework for empirical research, taking marriage migration as a case study. Comparative Migration Studies. 2016. Vol. 4 № 18. P. 119.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Ukraine Refugee Situation. URL: https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine (accessed 11.12.2024).

Adda J., Dustmann C., Görlach J.-S. (2021) The dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage Assimilation. SSRN Electronic Journal, 14333, pp. 1-15.

Ager A., Strang A. (2008) Understanding Integration: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 21(2), pp. 166191. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fen016.

Bommes M. (2012) Transnationalism or assimilation? In Immigration and social systems: Collected essays of Michael Bommes. IMISCOE Research. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, pp. 107-124.

Esser H. (2001) Integration und Etnische Schichtung. Working paper № 40. Mannheim: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung.

Favell A. (2003) Integration and nations: the nation-state and research on immigrants in Western Europe. Comparative Social Research Multicultural Challenge, vol. 22, pp. 13-42.

Górny A., Zwan R. (2024) Mobility and labor market trajectories of Ukrainian migrants to Poland in the context of the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine. European Societies. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2023.2298425.

Heckmann F., Schnapper D. (2003) The integration of immigrants in European Societies. Stuttgart : Lucius and Lucius. 261 p.

Hooper K., Desiderio M. V., Salant B. (2017) Improving the labour market integration of migrants and refugees. Empowering cities through better use of EU instruments. Working paper. Migration Policy Institute Europe. 42 p.

Lange T., Oomes N., Gons N., Spanikova V. (2019) Labour Migration and Labour Market Integration of Migrants in the Netherlands: Barriers and Opportunities Annex D to “Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East” (SEO Report No. 2019-24). Amsterdam, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 58 p. Available at: https://www.seo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Annex_D_Barriers_to_Migration_and_Integration.pdf (accessed December 11, 2024).

Lindo F. (2005) The concept of integration: Theoretical concerns and practical meaning. In Social integration and mobility. Lisbon : Centro de Estudos Geográficos. Pp. 7-20.

Maruszewski W., Kaczmarczyk P. (2020) Economic Integration and Migrant Networks: The Case of Ukrainian Migrants in the Warsaw Agglomeration. Central European Economic Journal, vol. 7(54), pp. 258278. https://doi.org/10.1515/ceej-2018-0003.

Müller T., Pannatier P., Viarengo M. (2023) Labor market integration, local conditions and inequalities: Evidence from refugees in Switzerland. World Development, vol. 170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106288.

Penninx R. (2005) Integration of migrants: economic, social, cultural and political dimensions. In the New Demographic Regime Population Challenges and Policy Responses. Edited by M. Macura, A. L. MacDonald, W. Haug. New York, Geneva, UN. Pp.137-151.

Penninx R., Garcés-Mascareñas B. (2016) The Concept of Integration as an Analytical Tool and as a Policy Concept. In Integration Processes and Policies in Europe. Contexts, Levels and Actors. Springer. Pp. 11-29.

Phillimore J. (2012) Implementing integration in the UK: lessons for integration, theory, policy and practice. Policy and Politics, vol. 40(4), pp. 525-545.

Pineau M. G., Waters M. C. (2016) The Integration of Immigrants into American Society. Washington : The National Academies Press. 458 p.

Salaris L., Tedesco N. (2020) Migration and the Labour Market: Ukrainian Women in the Italian Care Sector. Journal of International Migration & Integration, vol. 21, pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-019-00656-1.

Spencer S., Charsley K. (2016) Conceptualising integration: a framework for empirical research, taking marriage migration as a case study. Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 4(18), pp. 1-19.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Ukraine Refugee Situation. Available at: https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine (accessed December 11, 2024).

Переглядів статті: 11
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Як цитувати
Цимбалюк, Д. (2024). ІНТЕГРАЦІЯ МІГРАНТІВ: ЗМІСТОВІ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ТА ВИМІРИ. Економіка та суспільство, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-72