Keywords: economic security of the enterprise, management of economic security, threats, risks, logistics enterprises, Economic Security Service


The article is devoted to the analysis of risks and threats faced by logistics enterprises during their activities. The peculiarities of ensuring the economic security of logistics enterprises are analyzed and the main directions of their development are determined. It is highlighted that risk management at logistics enterprises is an economic mechanism of the process of regulation and making relevant decisions. The key directions of ensuring the internal security of the enterprise have been determined. It was analyzed that the main tasks of the economic security system are: monitoring and forecasting of threats; assessment of risks, threats and dangers using various quantitative and qualitative methods; development of tools and a mechanism for leveling threats and supporting the stable development of the enterprise; constant improvement of the economic security management mechanism of the enterprise. The main threats to the logistics enterprise are characterized, among them: changes in demand for goods and services, changes in legislation, competition, mines in fuel prices, cyber security threats, changes in global supply chains, natural disasters, delays in international transportation, changes in technologies, changes in environmental standards, changes in consumer perception. One of the most effective options for identifying economic threats and ensuring effective management of the economic security of a logistics enterprise is proposed  the creation of an economic security service. It is noted that the activity of the Economic Security Service is based on the internal regulatory documents of the enterprise and is carried out in accordance with the main principles highlighted in this study. The Economic Security Service is a complex unit that unites specialists from various fields of activity, which aims to conduct internal checks, audits, inventories, etc., and therefore requires a clear division of powers and functions between employees. The Economic Security Service is a rather complex unit that unites specialists from various fields of activity, which aims to conduct internal checks, audits, inventories, etc., and therefore requires a clear division of powers and functions between employees.


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