Ключові слова: management, cultural heritage, heritage management, cultural heritage protection, Ukraine


The article focuses on the problems of public management of cultural heritage sphere in Ukraine, including challenges of heritage management in museums and cultural reserves. Te main aim of this paper is to identify the problems and challenges of cultural heritage management in Ukraine that require reform in the first place. The main conclusion of this article is that Ukraine urgently needs to reform such areas of cultural heritage managementas: functioning of the registration and information database on cultural heritage, ensuring effective protection of historical buildings, their surroundings and landscape, solving land use problems and conflicts with businesses, improving the technical conditions of historical buildings and surrounding infrastructure, significant reform of managementof museums and cultural reserves. All these measures should be supplemented by ensuring that state autorities respond quickly to violations of laws on the protection of cultural heritage and that punishment for violators of the law is unavoidable. Without these measures, the risk of losing a large number of cultural heritage sites in Ukraine today is very high.


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Переглядів статті: 609
Завантажень PDF: 238
Як цитувати
Сафонов, Ю., & Дацко, О. (2020). АКТУАЛЬНІ ПРОБЛЕМИ УПРАВЛІННЯ КУЛЬТУРНОЮ СПАДЩИНОЮ В УКРАЇНІ. Економіка та суспільство, (22). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2020-22-92