• Вероніка Чала Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2233-2335
Ключові слова: зелена економіка, зелене фінансування, зелені проєкти, сталий розвиток, інституційні інвестори


Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі створення механізмів та інституцональної основи глобального «зеленого» фінансування. Без динамізації такого типу фінансування неможливо створити умови для зеленого економічного розвитку країн та вирішенні глобальних цілей сталого розвитку. В статті обґрунтовані фунціонально-кваліфікаційні виміри зеленого фінансування та їхню змістовну сутність. Здійснено оцінку світового приватного інвестування зеленої економіки за секторами та в динаміці за роками. Охарактеризовано конкретно-функціональний вимір глобального зеленого фінансування. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз інституційних інвесторів на глобальному ринку зелених інвестицій. Виявлені особливості діяльності таких інституціональних інвесторів в структурі зеленого фінансування, як дохідні компанії (yieldco), управляючі активами, пенсійні фонди, страхові компанії та суверенні фонди багатства.


The New Climate Economy. Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. URL: http://newclimateeconomy.report/

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Delivering the Green Economy through Financial Policy. Technical Paper. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, March 2014.

Reading Between the Lines of the Paris Climate Agreement. URL: https://www.spratings.com/en_US/economicresearch

Banga J. The green bond market: A potential source of climate finance for developing countries. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. 2019. No 9. Issue 1. P. 17–32.

Zimmerman R., Brenner R., Abella J. L. Green infrastructure financing as an imperative to achieve green goals. Climate. 2019. No. 7. Issue 3. P. 39–52.

Raberto M., Ozel B., Ponta L., Teglio A., Cincotti S. From financial instability to green finance: The role of banking and credit market regulation in the Eurace model. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 2019. No. 29. Issue 1. P. 429–465.

Criscuolo C., Menon C. Environmental policies and risk finance in the green sector: Cross-country evidence. Energy Policy. 2015. No. 83. P. 38–56.

Explaining green bonds. Climate Bonds Initiative. 2018.

Cadman T. Climate finance in an age of uncertainty. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. 2014. No. 4. Issue 4. P. 351–356.

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Zhang D., Zhang Z., Managi S. A bibliometric analysis on green finance: Current status, development, and future directions. Finance Research Letters. 2019. No. 29. P. 425–430.

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Lindenberg N. Definition of Green Finance. German Development Institute. 2014.

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Soundarrajan P., Vivek N. Green finance for sustainable green economic growth in India. Agricultural Economics. 2016. No. 62. Issue 1. P. 35–44.

Design of a Sustainable Financial System. Definitions and Concepts: Background Note. UNEP, September 2016.

Overview of the «Green» Swiss Financial Market Commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). 31 October 2014.

2019-2020 Green Transition Scoreboard. Transitioning to Science-Based Investing. Ethical Markets Media, 2019.

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Green investment opportunities in emerging markets across key sectors between 2020 and 2030, by region (in trillion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1245771/global-green-investment-by-region/

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United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, financing an Inclusive and Green Future: A Supportive Financial System and Green Growth for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific. ESCAP, 2010.

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Assessing institutional investment in infrastructure. OECD. URL: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/aaa8a6c2-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/aaa8a6c2-en

Yieldco Asset Management (Global). Yieldcos and contractual assets. OECD. URL: https://www.oecd.org/cefim/india/Yieldcos/

г28. Pisarenko Z. V., Kuznetsova N. P., Toan N. C., Ivanov L. YieldCos as a perspective investment vehicle. 2021. Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering. International Scientific Conference. 13-14 May 2021. URL: http://cibmee.vgtu.lt/index.php/verslas/2021/paper/viewFile/638/254

Mapping Channels to Mobilize Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy. Paris: OECD, 2014.

The Financial System We Need: Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development: UNEP Inquiry Report. Nairobi: UNEP, October 2015. 112 p.

Alternative Assets Data, Solutions and Insights. Preqin, 2020.

The New Climate Economy. Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. Retrieved from: http://newclimateeconomy.report/

Porfiryev B.N. (2016) “Zelyonie” tendentsii v mirovoy finansovoy sisteme ["Green" trends in the global financial system]. Mirovaya economica i meghdunaridniye otnosheniya – World Economy and International Relations, 20, 5 – 16.

(2014) Delivering the Green Economy through Financial Policy. Technical Paper. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, March.

Reading Between the Lines of the Paris Climate Agreement. Retrieved from: https://www.spratings.com/en_US/economicresearch

Banga J. (2019) The green bond market: A potential source of climate finance for developing countries. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 9, Issue 1, 17–32.

Zimmerman R., Brenner R., Abella J. L. (2019) Green infrastructure financing as an imperative to achieve green goals. Climate, 7, Issue 3, 39–52.

Raberto M., Ozel B., Ponta L., Teglio A., Cincotti S. (2019) From financial instability to green finance: The role of banking and credit market regulation in the Eurace model. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 29, Issue 1, 429–465.

Criscuolo C., Menon C. (2015) Environmental policies and risk finance in the green sector: Cross-country evidence. Energy Policy,83, 38–56.

Explaining green bonds. Climate Bonds Initiative. 2018.

Cadman T. (2014) Climate finance in an age of uncertainty. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment,4, Issue 4, 351–356.

Hudyakova L.S. (2018) Reforma globalnih finansov v kontekste ustoychivogo razvitiya [Global finance reform in the context of sustainable development]. Mirovaya economica I meghdunaridniye otnosheniya – World Economy and International Relations, 62, tom 7, 38–47.

Zhang D., Zhang Z., Managi S. (2019) A bibliometric analysis on green finance: Current status, development, and future directions. Finance Research Letters, 29, 425–430.

G20 Green Finance Synthesis Report. United Nations environment. Retrieved from: http://unepinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Synthesis_Report_Full_EN.pdf

Lindenberg N. (2014) Definition of Green Finance. German Development Institute.

Bogacheva O., Smorodinov O. (2018) Problemi zelyenogo finansirovaniya v stranah G 20 [Green finance challenges in the G20 countries]. Mirovaya economicas i meghdunaridniye otnosheniya – World Economy and International Relations, 61, 16–24.

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Soundarrajan P., Vivek N. (2016) Green finance for sustainable green economic growth in India. Agricultural Economic,62, Issue 1, 35–44.

Design of a Sustainable Financial System (2016). Definitions and Concepts: Background Note. UNEP, September.

Overview of the «Green» Swiss Financial Market Commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) (2014), October, 31.

2019-2020 Green Transition Scoreboard. Transitioning to Science-Based Investing. (2019) Ethical Markets Media

Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2019 (2019). Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF.

Green investment opportunities in emerging markets across key sectors between 2020 and 2030, by region (in trillion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1245771/global-green-investment-by-region/

Porfiryev B.N. (2010) Ekonomicheskiy krizis: problem upravleniya i zadachi innovatsionnogo razvitiya [Economic Crisis: Problems of Management and Tasks of Innovative Development]. Problemy Prognozirovaniya – Forecasting problems, 5, 20–26.

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, financing an Inclusive and Green Future: A Supportive Financial System and Green Growth for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific. (2010) ESCAP.

Kisilyova E. (2021) “Zelyeniye” oblogatsii: tendentsii na mirovom rinke I v Rossii ["Green" bonds: trends in the world market and in Russia]. Mirovaya economica I meghdunaridniye otnosheniya – World Economy and International Relations, tom 65, 2, 62–70.

Assessing institutional investment in infrastructure. OECD. Retrieved from: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/aaa8a6c2-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/aaa8a6c2-en

Yieldco Asset Management (Global). Yieldcos and contractual assets. OECD. Retrieved from: https://www.oecd.org/cefim/india/Yieldcos/

Pisarenko Z. V., Kuznetsova N. P., Toan N. C., Ivanov L. (2021) YieldCos as a perspective investment vehicle. Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering. International Scientific Conference, 13-14 May. Retrieved from: http://cibmee.vgtu.lt/index.php/verslas/2021/paper/viewFile/638/254

Mapping Channels to Mobilize Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy. (2014) Paris: OECD.

The Financial System We Need: Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development: UNEP Inquiry Report (2015) Nairobi: UNEP, October, 112 p.

Alternative Assets Data, Solutions and Insights (2020) Preqin.

Переглядів статті: 142
Завантажень PDF: 165
Як цитувати
Чала, В. (2021). ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛЬНА СТРУКТУРА ЗЕЛЕНОГО ФІНАНСУВАННЯ В РОЗБУДОВІ ГЛОБАЛЬНОЇ ЗЕЛЕНОЇ ЕКОНОМІКИ. Економіка та суспільство, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-55