Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, agriculture, SDG-system, investments, agricentrism


The main objective of the article is to give an understanding that agrarian economy is the main focus of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs were declared within the Agenda 2030 and imply the following options with respect to sustainable agriculture: combating poverty (SDG-1); reducing inequality (SDG-10); zero hunger (SDG-2); strong health (SDG-3); qualitative education (SDG-4); innovations and infrastructure (SDG-9); gender equality (SDG-5); renewable energy (SDG-7); decent work and economic growth (SDG-8); responsible consumption and production (SDG-12); combating climate change (SDG-13); preservation of ecosystems (SDG-15); peace and justice (SDG-16); partnerships (SDG-17). In the article, the following research methods were used: grouping and systematization – when distinguishing SDGs most applicable to agriculture and shaping three-pillar structure of SDG-agriculture; computational techniques – when analyzing statistical data collected from the official web-sites of Food and Agricultural Organization and Ministry for Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; system analysis and comparison – in the study of investment profile of agriculture on the global and national scale. Based on sustainable development approach, we shaped three-pillar structure for SDG-agriculture which includes assets (environmental component), market (economic element), and institutions (social and political constituents). It was emphasized in the article, that economic implications of sustainable agriculture can be analyzed via estimation of its financial conditions and support. For doing so, several investment strategies were selected as an object for statistical analysis, namely government expenditures, foreign direct investments, and bank loans. In addition, the agriculture orientation index for government expenditures was calculated and analyzed in dynamics. We revealed the relation between the period SDGs were developed (2015) and the rise in government support to agriculture (since 2015 this indicator increased its value). The practical significance of the conducted research is that it gives the evidence from national and international practice how agriculture serves as the main focus in achieving SDGs.


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How to Cite
Marekha, I., & Bondarenko, S. (2021). AGRARIAN ECONOMY AS THE FOCUS OF ACHIEVING SDGs. Economy and Society, (33).