Keywords: organization, communication, information, tools, communication activities, enterprise


The article is devoted to identifying the importance of communication activities at the enterprise. It was found that modern information technologies increase the importance of communications in the enterprise with their analysis and disclosure of communication tools in the information society. It should be noted that the communication process is quite complex and multifaceted. The communication environment of the enterprise is described, which is complex and permeable with the available number of elements of direct and indirect action. Inherent factors of the communication environment have a contradictory impact on the company, because modern information data forces to redistribute the work of employees. Knowledge of all types of communications is important for managers and managers of the enterprise to improve the effective exchange of information in the management of the enterprise and the organization of its activities. It is established that the effectiveness of communication activities depends on the personal characteristics of employees with other subjects of this system, as well as on the digital means of communication used. It is determined that for the effectiveness of management decisions the company needs to have functional components. It is motivated that the algorithm of actions of employees and the structure of building an effective communication channel play an important role in the organization of communication activities at the enterprise. It is analyzed that for the organization of communication activities the company must go through several stages, namely: identify its potential customers, established communication or management with departments, clear formulation of communication objectives, choice of means of communication and feedback between all. The classification of communication tools is suitable for any field of activity of the enterprise, but there are individual needs for which the enterprise operates in the business world. A number of tips for the effective work of the organization of communication activities of the enterprise are offered, where the use of the latest information technologies at the enterprise is increasingly observed, which allows to increase the interaction between all participants in the communication process.


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