Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, energy strategy, crediting, fuel and energy resources, incentives, financial and banking incentives


The article is devoted to revealing the essence of energy saving projects and sources of their financing; analysis of regulatory and legal support of banking and non-banking financing of energy saving projects in Ukraine; analysis and dynamics of financing energy saving projects in Ukraine; to evaluate the products of crediting energy-saving projects on the example of individual Ukrainian banking institutions. The author analyzes the regulation of energy security and efficiency policy in Ukraine. The main sources of financing investments in energy-saving technologies are studied. It was found that the funds of the state and local budgets, state specialized funds are practically not involved in this process. It was found that bank lending instruments, as well as grant and credit programs of international organizations and financial institutions are most actively used in Ukraine to finance energy saving projects. The experience of the EU countries on the application of state support mechanisms is analyzed: creation of legislative, regulatory, institutional and program bases of activity based on the study and understanding of consumer behavior in relation to energy use; development of energy saving strategies, programs at the level of the country, individual regions, assistance in their implementation with an emphasis on dissemination of information on possible areas of energy saving, consulting services for individual enterprises, organizations, standardization and certification of equipment, energy labeling; motivation to intensify energy saving through the introduction of financial benefits, the use of the mechanism of voluntary agreements between businesses and the government; compensation of organizations' expenses for research and development and promotion of technology transfer. Proposals have been made to improve bank and non-bank financing of energy saving projects in Ukraine. Peculiarities of financial and banking stimulation of energy saving technologies development in Ukraine are analyzed. The directions of improvement of financial and banking stimulation of development of energy saving technologies in Ukraine are offered.


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How to Cite
Kashytska, R.-M., & Blashchuk-Devyatkina, N. (2021). FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY SAVING IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (33).