Keywords: customs control, simplification of customs procedures, customs clearance, customs post-audit, foreign experience


The article is devoted to topical issues of effective organization of customs procedures related to the implementation of customs control, which will ensure an appropriate level of national security and protection of the country's economic interests, as well as the development of foreign economic activity. Attention is focused on the fact that the leading European countries pay great attention to the formation of the customs control system, use its modern forms, which allows to ensure the protection of the financial and foreign economic interests of the state. The experience of the countries of the European Union on the organization and implementation of customs control is analyzed. It was noted that the customs administrations act on the basis of an integrated approach, concentrating efforts in certain areas. In addition, the work of the customs authorities is carried out on the basis of a strategy. It has been established that the activities of the customs authorities are simultaneously aimed at increasing the efficiency and simplifying customs procedures. It was emphasized that this was facilitated by a significant level of digitalization of processes. The concepts of "post-customs control" and "customs post-audit" are considered, their features are determined. Attention is focused on the use of post-audit customs as a modern form of customs control, which makes it possible to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to the customs authorities. The specificity of its use in different countries of the European Union (France, Bulgaria, Ireland, Germany and others) has been investigated. The ways of improving the activities of customs authorities in the field of control, which are of interest for further adaptation in Ukraine, have been identified. Namely: development of modern digital technologies and infrastructure; cooperation with other national and international regulatory bodies; introduction of a customs post-audit system; further harmonization of customs legislation with the normative acts of European countries, etc.


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How to Cite
Voichenko, T. (2021). CUSTOMS CONTROL ORGANIZATION: EUROPEAN PRACTICES. Economy and Society, (33).