Keywords: information and media support, the military sphere, the labor intensity, Methods for determining the labor intensity and cost of work on the development of media content, stages of determining the labor intensity, corrections factors


SuThe features of the organization of information and media support in the military sphere were investigated. The article states that the creation and dissemination of information by the media structures of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in compliance with the rules and restrictions, and within the regulatory framework. It is determined that media content in modern society into information is a set of diverse information aimed at the target audience and transmitted through printed, audiovisual and other content. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the creation of media content is a structured creative and production process that requires from the author both deep knowledge of the theory and methods of writing texts, and practical skills of technical means. It is determined that the development of media content depends on a number of factors, which are structured in two groups: factors related to media development, its complexity and specificity; factors that depend on the knowledge, skills, professionalism and personal characteristics of the performer (author). The Methods for determining the labor intensity and cost of work on the development of media content as a tool to improve the efficiency of authors (performers) of military content is proposed. It is established that the labor intensity of work on the development of media content is a basic standard of labor intensity in its creation, adjusted by correction factors. The Methods consists of the following stages: determining the complexity of developing a unit of media content; determination of correction factors; determining the complexity of developing a unit of media content, taking into account correction factors that assess the quality of content, the time of its development; determining the cost of work on media content development. It is argued that the use of the Methods for determining the labor intensity and cost of work on the development of media content by information and media structures of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine is one of the tools for implementing of state information policy on national security in the military sphere, both in wartime and in peacetime for effective and comprehensive information of the population.


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How to Cite
Olievska, M. (2021). FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION AND MEDIA SUPPORT IN THE MILITARY SPHERE. Economy and Society, (33). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-33-12