Keywords: strategic marketing, market strategy, management, strategic activity, market activity, competitiveness, adaptation, product


The article examines the components of the marketing strategy adaptation system, characterizes the essence and features of its adaptation. It has been substantiated that the development of a marketing strategy depends on sociocultural factors. These factors not only determine the feasibility of entering the market in terms of the presence of free niches on it, the structure of demand for a product or service, and the degree of influence of different institutions on business, but also make it possible to draw conclusions about the adaptive capabilities of a firm in market conditions. The principles that the strategy should comply with according to the proposed model have been determined. It has been proved that in modern conditions the formation and use of an adaptation model of a marketing strategy depending on market segmentation is relevant, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of an enterprise by taking into account more fully the needs of customers, their socio-cultural characteristics. Market adaptation is a set of marketing activities implemented by an enterprise in order to penetrate a new market or maintain existing market positions in the event of changes in the market. To sell a product in a selected market, it is necessary to adapt the set of marketing communications or product to market conditions. Adaptation can cover all components of the marketing complex (or 4P complex), which include the product, price, place of sale and method of communication with intermediaries and consumers. Achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise largely depends on the correctness and depth of marketing strategy. Properly chosen marketing strategy activates management activities that are aimed at taking into account the needs of market participants and effective interaction with them. Socio-cultural features of consumers of the company's products, other features of the external environment require the company to form adapted marketing strategies within the joint business strategy. This adaptation is especially relevant for companies that are radically changing the geography of their sales. Adaptation solutions for different markets (their segments) cause many variations of marketing strategy for certain products of the enterprise, which further helps to strengthen the competitive position of the enterprise in different markets.


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How to Cite
Hulyk, T., Naydovska, A., & Zabihay, V. (2021). COMPONENT SYSTEMS OF ADAPTATION OF MARKET STRATEGY. Economy and Society, (33).