Keywords: innovation activity, innovation, industrial enterprise, financial means, human resources, technology, efficiency


The article reveals the essence and different interpretations of the concept of "innovation". The innovation means the end result of innovative activities, which received the implementation in the form of a new or improved product, introduced in the market, a new or improved technological process, which is used in practical activities or in a new approach to social services. The classification of types of innovations is given. The conditions for the introduction of innovations in the activities of a particular enterprise are defined, including: the availability of appropriately trained human resources; availability of financial funds for innovations; the presence of the technical and technological component Revealed the peculiarities and role of human resources in the process of innovative activity by the enterprise. Regarding the specific features of the human resource management system, it is possible to distinguish the following: to build a concept and model, to develop a strategy and policy of human resources management, as well as to take into account various factors influencing this process. Also, the human resource management system, as well as the management system in general, involves setting certain goals and developing mechanisms for controlling their implementation. The second prerequisite for the implementation of innovative activities is the availability of financial funds. In the modern conditions, most enterprises carry out innovative activities at the expense of their own financial funds. The analysis of financing of innovation activity of enterprises was carried out and the sectors in which enterprises implement the most innovations were identified. The directions of effective support of innovative activity of industrial enterprises are proposed: building a model of state support for innovative activities of industrial enterprises; reducing economic risks that hamper investments in Ukraine as a whole, and in the industrial sector, in particular; providing enterprises with qualified personnel who are able to master modern technologies and methods of fulfillment of the tasks; increasing social guarantees for employees involved in the implementation of innovation activities; development of a strategy for innovative development of industrial enterprises.


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How to Cite
Lazorenko, L. (2020). ENSURING INNOVATION ACTIVITY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (22). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2020-22-30