Keywords: bankruptcy, financial stability, financial condition, insurance company, risk models


The study of solvency and probability of bankruptcy of insurance companies is interesting to all participants of the economic process. The article identifies the relationship between financial stability and bankruptcy of the company. On the example of the existing insurance company and financial reporting data, the financial condition was diagnosed. Three main models for calculating the probability of bankruptcy are analyzed, namely the five-factor model of E. Altman, four-factor models of R. Lis and R. Taffler. The main goals of the analysis of the financial stability of the company and the main reasons for their bankruptcy are also considered. It was found that different calculation models can provide different results, so for greater accuracy should be used several techniques simultaneously. The results obtained for the insurance company can be used for further research, as well as for further effective management of the enterprise. A reasonable assessment of the financial condition of the insurance organization allows to determine not only the real state of business, but also to identify critical moments in the activities of the insurer, which must be addressed. First of all, it is important in terms of developing a survival strategy for crisis management. In modern conditions, the financial management of the company, first of all, must be able to accurately determine the current and future financial condition of the enterprise. To do this, the company must have extensive knowledge in the field of information and technical support, modern management techniques, have qualified and professional staff who will have the ability to apply these techniques in practice. The inability of insurers to meet their obligations may adversely affect the financial performance of other policyholders. The consequences of insolvency directly affect the business reputation of the insurance company. That is why the research, development and use of models for early prevention of instability and bankruptcy are becoming extremely important in ensuring the organizational and economic conditions of the insurance organization.


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How to Cite
Куряча, Н., & Kuriacha, N. (2021). INSURANCE PROBABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY. Economy and Society, (31).