Keywords: personnel, management system, labor resources, lean production, Lean-technologies, Lean-philosophy, methods of management, management competencies


The purpose of this article is to study different approaches to the essence of Lean-technologies as an effective tool in the personnel management system. Lean technology is growing in important and scope because it helps enterprises become more competitive and streamlined by eliminating loses and focusing on added-value activities. The relevance of the issue is caused by the growing role of human resources as one of the main sources for successful functioning of enterprises. The presence of competent, motivated, dedicated employees with great adaptive potential will help ensure economic stability, increase efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise. The methodological tools of the research are based on general scientific and special methods that provide a comprehensive and objective nature of their study. The methods of system and logical analysis were used in the article to determine the goals and ways of implementing personnel management based on Lean-technologies. The article considers the philosophy, principles and values of the concept of lean-production and, on this basis, identifies the differences between lean-enterprises, which leads to the new approaches in personnel management. The relevance of this issue is caused by the growing role of human factor as one of the main sources for successful functioning of the enterprises. The efficiency of Lean-technologies application in the personnel development management system has been clarified, the peculiarities and key principles of management activity have been revealed. The interrelation and interdependence of the enterprise activity on effective personnel management have been analyzed. It is proved that the implementation of lean production in personnel management helps to optimize its number and increase the competence and quality of labor resources of the enterprise. It is concluded that the basis of management should create conditions for the development of personnel’s potential. The practical significance of the article consists in the fact that implementing of the developed approaches can help to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through extensive and more rational use of its labor potential.


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Official website of the Lean Institute of Ukraine. Available at: https://kiev.cataloxy.com.ua/firms/www.lean.org.ua.htm

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How to Cite
Pysarenko, S., Mykhailova, O., & Nesterenko, R. (2021). FEATURES OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE ON THE BASIS OF LEAN-TECHNOLOGIES. Economy and Society, (31). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-31-54