Keywords: financial activity, management of financial activity development, agricultural enterprises, efficiency assessment, factors of effective management


The article diagnoses the financial activities development management of agricultural enterprises of Odessa region on the basis of efficiency assessment and identification of internal factors of its increase. The empirical basis of the study is the data for 2015-2020 reports on the financial condition and reports on the financial results of fifteen agricultural enterprises of Odessa region. 38 financial indicators are calculated for these enterprises. The analysis of activity of the agricultural enterprises of the Odessa region on the basis of comparison of 20 indicators with existing standard values is carried out. Deviations of 18 indicators without normative value from the average level in Ukraine are determined. On the basis of the correlation analysis the scheme of interrelations between financial indicators of the agrarian enterprises of the Odessa region is formed. It is established that the greatest influence on financial indicators is exerted by the period of repayment of receivables and the coefficient of maneuverability of equity. Coefficients of efficiency for financial activity development management of the Odessa region agrarian enterprises are calculated and researched enterprises are divided into three groups on dynamics of formation of an indicator during 2015–2020: tendency to growth, insignificant decreasing tendency, decreasing tendency. A regression analysis of the financial activity development management efficiency of the Odessa region agrarian enterprises is implemented for the following factors: the number of employees, level of specialization, number of funding sources, growth rate of book value of assets, crop yield. It is established that these factors have a direct proportional impact on the financial activity development management efficiency of agricultural enterprises. The study found that despite the adequacy of working capital to ensure the production and marketing process in conditions of limited borrowing, sufficient equity to finance assets, the adequacy of current assets for timely settlement of liabilities, timely repayment of receivables by customers, as well as availability of financial autonomy and stability, agricultural enterprises of Odessa region inefficiently manage stocks and accounts payable, as well as have an insufficient level of net profit margin and operating profit margin.


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