Keywords: investment strategy, evaluation, influence factors, competitiveness, effectiveness, degree of risk, 3d model


This article describes the methodology for evaluating an investment strategy as one of the most important stages in its formation. Modern methods and approaches to evaluation of investment strategy are analyzed and systematized. The proposed methodology is based on the definition of the quality of the investment strategy as the highest characteristic of the process, which depends on certain basic parameters: efficiency and degree of risk. To calculate the quality of the investment strategy, a formula is constructed that reflects the mathematical dependence of the quality assessment as a function, on the efficiency and degree of risk, as the main parameters, which makes it possible to visit a 3d model of the quality of the investment strategy. At the same time, quality has a direct proportional dependence on efficiency and inversely proportional dependence on the degree of risk. In turn, the quality parameters of the investment strategy are of integral origin and depend on the assessment of single figures (factors). In addition, the formula takes into account the influence of factors (coefficients) of the external business environment: macro-environment, micro-environment and meso environment/competitive environment both on efficiency and risk degree. The effectiveness of the investment strategy is directly proportional to the factors of external influence, and the degree of risk, in turn, has a backward proportional dependence. The analysis of the quality assessment of the investment strategy allows us to draw certain conclusions: the sequence of calculation of parameters and coefficients, the obvious values of quality assessment at maximum / minimum values of the main parameters. In addition, the main factors that make up the external business environment are considered. The proposed assessment of the quality of the investment strategy is a flexible apparatus for modeling the results and potential directions of investment activity of the motor transport enterprise. The proposed method allows you to get an effective tool for analyzing investment strategy and is of practical importance for motor transport enterprises in the formation of an investment strategy.


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How to Cite
Haidai, H. (2021). FEATURES OF INVESTMENT STRATEGY EVALUATION OF MOTOR TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (31). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-31-28