Keywords: social stability of the state, social policy, migration processes, mechanism in the field of socio-economic relations, labor migration


The aim of the article is to study the social stability in the country in terms of intensification of migration processes and the formation of a mechanism for its provision. Establishing effective management processes, forming a high level of competitiveness of domestic production and economic complexes and building a strong national economy is impossible without a reliable social base. Ensuring the social stability of the state is a fundamental prerequisite not only for improving the quality of life and improving its well-being, but also minimizing the conflict environment in society, reducing social tensions and increasing the level of satisfaction of citizens' interests. special methods and techniques, in particular: theoretical generalization; system approach; abstract-logical; logical-analytical, etc. The article highlights the essence of social stability of the state. The mechanism of ensuring social stability in the state and its features are described. The model of structural and functional interdependence of social stability processes in the context of reducing the activity of migration processes in Ukraine is presented. The sequence of formation of the mechanism of ensuring social stability of the state in the conditions of intensification of migration processes is given. The preconditions for aggravation of the problem of social injustice in the Ukrainian society and growth of migration activity of the population are given.The priority directions of ensuring social stability in the state and restraining the activity of the population in the segment of external labor migration are outlined. It is noted that ensuring social stability in the conditions of intensification of migration processes is impossible without the implementation of effective tools to de-shadow the functioning of production and economic complexes of the national economy. The strategic basis for ensuring social stability in the context of intensification of migration processes is the formation of a favorable socio-psychological basis for the development of socio-economic relations. The aggregate mechanism of ensuring social stability of the state in the conditions of intensification of migration processes is presented.


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