Keywords: business-process, management, enterprise, approaches, system, process approach


The purpose of the scientific article is to systematize the main approaches to the management of the enterprise, their comparative characteristics, as well as to identify the benefits of using process management in enterprises. First of all, the article investigates and reveals the essence of scientific approaches to enterprise management, which correspond to the modern scientific paradigm of management and meet the goals of enterprise management. It was found that scientists focus on the importance of implementing a process approach, however, they do not pay attention to the comparison of this approach with others that are also practiced. The importance of business process management of the enterprise is considered. To identify the optimal approach to enterprise management, which will maintain a competitive positions in the market, successfully develop in today's market conditions, respond quickly to favorable environmental factors and, at the same time, protect from unfavorable factors, a detailed comparison of the characteristics of the main (functional, process, system, situational) approaches to management was provided. It is noted that to achieve the best results, the management uses a combination of approaches. The advantages for the enterprise after the introduction of the process approach to management are substantiated. Based on the analysis, a consistent chain of advantages was built, which provide a competitive position of the enterprise in the market when implementing a process approach to management. The difficulties associated with the transition to the use of a process approach was considered. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the process approach led to the conclusion that management based on process (process-oriented) approach has undeniable advantages, because management is the process of making and implementing management decisions, and therefore is a priority and orient a management system at the best practices for improving organizational processes systems, the combination of which will ensure the growth of efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise due to the maximum satisfaction of consumer needs.


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