Keywords: competitive potential of small architectural and construction enterprises, internal forces, development strategy, competitive environment, market conditions, systematisation, adaptation, universalisation


Internal factors play a decisive role in the formation of the competitive potential of small enterprises in the field of architecture and construction. The comprehensive approach adopted in this study involves analysing and improving the following internal factors: business strategy; efficiency of the business management system and methods; innovation and investment potential; level of production organisation; planning system; system of economic, social and psychological incentives; intellectual and labour potential; corporate culture. In particular, the study identifies the following qualitative characteristics and impact of internal factors on the level of competitiveness of small architectural and construction enterprises. The systematisation of internal factors contributes to the identification of the most important elements that have an impact on a company’s successful strategy. In this way, enterprises can better focus their efforts and resources on the achievement of their strategic goals. An important component of a company’s competitiveness is the effectiveness of its management system. A company can increase its productivity and efficiency in managing resources by analysing and improving this system. The ability to innovate and invest is also important in running a successful business. Innovation helps to maintain a competitive advantage by enabling a company to introduce new technologies and develop its products. In order to increase productivity, the organisation of production requires the systematisation and optimisation of processes. A clear definition of roles and responsibilities, the rational use of resources and quality assurance contribute to a company’s success. Planning is important for developing the business and achieving its goals. Managers can make informed decisions and successfully manage their business through a clear definition of goals, strategies and plans. The system of economic, social and psychological incentives used to motivate employees affects productivity. The provision of an appropriate incentive system is an important factor in the recruitment and retention of talented employees. Intellectual and labour potential are indisputable assets of an organisation. Ensuring the sustainability and future prospects of the company by investing in human resource development, skills and knowledge of employees. The style and characteristics of team interaction are determined by the corporate culture. The productivity and efficiency of the company can be positively influenced by striving to create a positive and favourable atmosphere. Companies can increase their efficiency, flexibility and sustainability in a competitive environment by systematising, adapting and universalising these factors. In particular, systematisation helps with the organisation and identification of internal factors, adaptation enables a rapid response to changes in the environment and universalisation enables the expansion of the firm’s capabilities. With such a comprehensive strategy, small enterprises can ensure their stability, competitiveness and resistance to the changes in the market conditions.


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